- The Government of Mozambique decided to institute the Single Salary Table (TSU) with the aim of unifying the various existing salary tables in the civil service. This process has had several advances and setbacks due to the gross mistakes made by the TSU itself, and the difficulty in managing the approximately 400,000 existing civil servants.
As a result, several professional classes have revolted against the TSU, notably teachers, doctors, police, employees of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, judges, and public prosecutors. In addition to all these complaints, judges have stood out for recurrently rebelling against TSU not because of their framework, but rather because they consider that the Assembly of the Republic has the prerogative to establish the remuneration status of judges. Mozambique is a democratic rule of law1 , which is why the State is subordinated to the Constitution of the Republic and is based on legality2 . Being a rule of law means that the state’s political power materially submits to the law and that the latter effectively contains the respective power.